Life cycle

Deral is committed in an always more sustainable production, choosing and promoting the recycling of aluminium.
The over-exploitation of the planet's resources has quickly led us to the awareness that this behavior is not sustainable, resources are not endless, and a new way must be found.
The recycling of aluminium is the perfect example of how the reuse of a resource can, thanks to appropriate technologies, be more beneficial than extraction not only environmentally but also economically
The production of recycled aluminium cuts the energy cost of producing mined aluminium by 95%. Recycling one ton of aluminium allows us to save 9 tons of CO2 emissions and 6 tons of bauxite compared to the world’s average production of primary aluminium. On a global level, by recycling aluminium we can save over 100 million tons of CO2 each year.
The planet’s resources are not endless, those of aluminium certainly are.
100% recycled and for countless times, it continues to retain its its original characteristics: the recycling of aluminium is the perfect example of a circular economy.
Founded in 1985, Deral is the market leader in the production of extrusion billets since many years.
From the melting of selected and processed scrap and primary aluminium with a minimum purity of 99.8 %, homogenized billets are produced in different diameters and lengths.
Recycling scrap enables us to play an important ecological part, and at Deral, environmental protection is an integral part of the facility, the production process, and all its products.
Deral S.p.A. is equipped with two melting lines having a production capacity of more than 70.000 tons/year, installed on 30.000 square meters of floor space, of which 5.000 square meters is covered. The equipment is complemented by the analytical laboratory and a computerized service to check the alloy in all its elements and characteristics for the issuance of the analysis certificate.
In a short summary, the process begins by receiving the materials and then processing them.
The scrap is volumetrically reduced, deferrized, impurities and inert materials are removed, even reaching a selection and separation of different types of alloys through special systems. The material is now ready to be melted through melting lines. Once liquid, several operations are carried out to remove impurities. In addition, refining treatments are performed to achieve the alloy values required by the customer. The aluminum is subsequently cast into special board, from which the billets will exit. The billets are subjected to various quality controls, before being submitted to the cutting of the "head" and "tail," so as to achieve the desired length.
Finally, through homogenization furnaces, the billets undergo a heat treatment, ensuring higher metal quality for the next extrusion stage carried out by the customer.

We believe that evolution, in our field, is knowing how to enhance what we already have: our billets made of recycled aluminium come from the collection of items made of all kinds of aluminium and, thanks to the technology with which they are produced, they have the same level of quality as billets of primary aluminium.
Choosing a product made of recycled aluminium is the first step of a conscious and environmentally aware customer.
Not only the ability to infinitely recycle this material, but also its intrinsic peculiarities such as lightness and malleability make it crucial in the decarbonization process of many sectors, from construction to transportation.
In any application, favouring the use of durable, easily recyclable materials, with a minimal carbon foot such print as recycled aluminium contributes to the reduction of global emissions and the realization of a truly circular economy.
Our concept of Infinity

The production of ECOAL billets is made by using 85% of aluminium scrap (data confirmed by the self-declared environmental assertion validation obtained by TUV NORD ITALIA) and with emissions in our plant of CO2 less than 0.25 Kg/Kg produced aluminium (according to the EU-ETS regulation Dir 2003/87/CE).
In addition, ECOAL billets have a high-performance chemical composition, suitable for all application fields of aluminium extrusions, both raw and with different surface finishing.
The environmental, social and governance sustainability are a must for Deral, which through its own shredding, sorting, and preparation equipment, combined with state-of-the-art melting furnaces, is able to transform aluminium scrap into new environmentally friendly raw material.
The production of Ecoal billets is carried out using 85% scrap, with CO2 emissions of less than 0.25 kg(*)/Kg of AL produced.
(*)=ref EU ETS Dir 2003/87/EC regulations.
Deral has specially patented melting equipment manufactured on the company's own requirements and absolutely innovative, capable of, among other things, minimizing energy consumption and using various types of scrap.
The casting of the billets is an improved "Hot-Top" type, which can ensure a homogeneous granular structure of composition, a surface finishing free from segregation, and high dimensional accuracy.
The dual filtering system also ensures the absence of impurities ed inclusions.
The computer-controlled billet homogenization-cooling cycles are designed for each individual chemical composition to provide, reliably and continuously, the highest extrudability for each variant.
The cleaning of the metal in the foundry, a key parameter for ensuring the best extrudability characteristics of the billet, is guaranteed by a melting cycle fine-tuned in every detail, from sorting, selection and preparation of scrap, to filtering with ceramic filters, and finally through the in-line use of the degassing process.
The production portfolio includes different diameters and different alloys as well as variants of the 1000 and 6000 series.
The standard length is of 6000 mm, but upon customer request, billets cut to measure can also be supplied. The whole Deral production is complemented by certificates of chemical analysis from the in-house metallurgical laboratory, in accordance with the main international regulations.
105 • 120 • 127 • 130 • 140 • 145 • 152
155 • 178 • 203 • 228 • 254 • 305 • 325
1070 • 6005 • 6060 • 6061 • 6063 • 6082